Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Vertical Stab....

So after the practice piece was finished, and the toolbox, I figured, why not try to build a real airplane part! You start with the "Empennage Kit"first. The first part of that kit is constructing the vertical stab. I wanted to try out my new spray gun and primer, so I primed a few parts.

You start with the forward spar on the vertical stab, and its very straightforward.

Then you move on to the main spar on the vertical stab. This is a little more involved. it has a .125" thick doubler that is riveted nearly the length of the spar. 

I realized quickly that half the battle in this new adventure is inventing ways to clamp your piece so you dont have to chase it all over your work surface. Here you can see the rudder hinges in place. 

Cleco it all together and you have something that resembles an airplane part. Alas, it all has to be disassembled to deburr and dimple.

Next you fit the skin, then match drill everything. I was shocked how tightly everything fit together. A true testament to the vans system. 

The only hiccup was that Van's sent a rib that was missing holes. I have read on VAF that it behooves one to read ten times and then drill. That is definitely the case. This is what the plans said....

And this is what I received...Hmmmmm....

Vans offered to send a new part, but I just clamped it into place and drilled the holes that didn't get punched. First world problems, and it was easy peasy...

Once finished, disassemble is all, deburr, dimple, and then begin the riveting. My first screw-up was on the forward spar. When driving AN470 rivets, make damn sure your bucking bar is on the rivet tail, and not the cleco next to it.  Lesson learned, and parts ordered. I had some Hawker trips for work, so this was a great place to pause for a few days while waiting for parts. 

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